📜 Jelle Pelgrims

This page collects all of my work-related output, such as writing (created in a professional capacity) and open source contributions. You can consider this to be a kind of ad-hoc portfolio, meant as an addition to my resume.



  1. Authentication in the IGX Platform
    A piece that describes the migration of the IGX Platform's authentication setup to Auth0. As the lead developer of this project I refactored the authentication service to be compatible with Auth0. Later on I also added functionality to the authentication service so ENPICOM's customers could make use of Single Sign-On.
  2. Efficiently using Amazon Web Services
    An article that details the process of how I implemented cost savings to keep the cloud expenses at ENPICOM to a minimum. As a result of these cost savings total expenses were reduced by 52% (about $86,000 in concrete numbers).
  3. Migrating from GCP to AWS: How we did it and what we learned
    A blog post written after I migrated all of ENPICOM's infrastructure from Google Cloud Platform to Amazon Web Services. As a result of this migration, ENPICOM saved $100,000 in the form of AWS startup credits. The related AWS case study for the migration can be found here.

Open-source contributions

  1. DSpace
    While working as a job student at Atmire I contributed a meaningful amount of code to the DSpace open source project. DSpace is a "turnkey institutional repository application" - in other words, software used to create open access repositories for digital content (such as scientific papers).